New Moon Crescent:
A report of the seventh new moon was first made on Thursday evening, September 25th, from Australia. Sundown was at 6:42pm in Darwin NT (UTC/GMT +9:30 hours, or 5:12am EST). Secondary reports, however, were not found until 6:30pm local time (UTC/GMT +2 hours, or 12:30pm EST) in Pretoria, South Africa (reported by Dawid Jacobs) and at 7:28pm local time (UTC/GMT +2 hours, or 1:28pm EST) in Western Cape, South Africa (Anonymous submission), both of which were submitted to this website. Based on the concept of two witnesses, this would place the start of Yom Teruah (and the seventh month) in Pretoria, South Africa and points westward on Thursday evening, September 25th.
Reports from Israel were all negative as of Thursday evening. The moon had already set prior to reports from South Africa. Karaite Korner, however, did confirm sightings the following evening, September 26th:
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Confirmed: Pretoria, South Africa
Forecasted map of calculations from the Astronomical Data Portal (UK Hydrographic Office) @ |
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Forecasted map of calculations from the Astronomical Data Portal (UK Hydrographic Office) @ |
...The Next Expected Crescent Moon Sighting (8th Month):
The following new moon crescent will have the best opportunity for sightings in Brazil/Chile area followed by central Mexico and Hawaii on Friday evening, October 24th. However, the geographical landscape will be limited in providing eyewitness accounts. It is possible that the first reports will not come in until the following evening. For Israel-based observers, the moon is not expected to be seen until the following evening, October 25.
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Forecasted map of calculations from the Astronomical Data Portal (UK Hydrographic Office) @ |
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Forecasted map of calculations from the Astronomical Data Portal (UK Hydrographic Office) @ |
Expected Observation Dates of Biblical Festivals 2014:
All dates may vary based upon actual visual confirmation/trumpet call of the new crescent moon & availability of Aviv barley within the region of the Promised Land
For 2014, the Aviv barley searches in the Fertile Crescent found no positive conclusions until prior to the new moon of March 31st, first reported from Israel. Therefore, the Annual Festival Dates were as follows (all days begin at sundown the evening before date posted):
- First Day of Biblical Year^# (Day 1 of Month 1): April 1, 2014
- Passover/Pesach Seder^ (Day 14 of Month 1): April 14, 2014 Eucharist is observed on the evening of April 13
- First Day of Unleavened Bread/Chag HaMatzot*^ (Day 15 of Month 1): April 15, 2014
- Wave Sheaf/Omer Day# (1st day of the week during Unleavened Bread in Promised Land): April 20, 2014
- Last Day of Unleavened Bread/Chag HaMatzot*^ (Day 21 of Month 1): April 21, 2014
- Feast of Weeks/Counting of Omer (7 Weeks starting with Wave Sheaf Day): April 20 - June 7, 2014
- Pentecost/Shavuot* (50th Day starting with Wave Sheaf Day): June 8, 2014
^ - Regions east of Israel will observe the following date (based on global trumpet call)
# Based on barley within Promised Land (Israel) region
* High Day of Convocation (no regular work)
The Seventh New Moon of 2014 was confirmed on Thursday evening, September 25th in Pretoria, South Africa (with one lone sighting in Australia). This new moon marks the arrival of the Fall Festivals on the following dates for all locations westward from Pretoria. All other locations, including those that follow the restrictive Israel-based observation calendar method, will be delayed by one additional day. Dates listed below are based on a Global Trumpet Call (all days begin at sundown the evening before date posted):
- Day of Trumpets/Yom Teruah*^ (Day 1 of Month 7): September 26, 2014
- Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur*^ (Day 10 of Month 7): October 5, 2014
- First Day of Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot*^ (Day 15 of Month 7): October 10, 2014
- Last Day of Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot^ (Day 21 of Month 7): October 16, 2014
- Last Great Day/Shemini Atzeret*^ (Day 22 of Month 7): October 17, 2014
^ - Dates based on a global trumpet call (locations east of Pretoria, South Africa - including Israel - will keep the following date)
* High Day of Convocation (no regular work)