Crescent New Moon Sighting Report: | Eleventh Biblical Month / January 2014 |
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The eleventh new moon crescent of the Aviv year will first reported from Australia and several points westward on Thursday evening, January 2nd. Confirmation was also made from Israel.
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Map from the Astronomical Data Portal (UK Hydrographic Office) @ moonwatch.org |
The following new moon crescent will be the 12th month and will be a nail-biter for the Land of Israel. The first reports are expected on Friday evening, January 31st around (or just west of) Israel. For Israel-based observers, if the new moon is not reported, the new month will begin the following evening. For Global observers, the new month will begin near this region with first reports expected from European or South African regions.
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Map from the Astronomical Data Portal (UK Hydrographic Office) @ moonwatch.org |
Expected Observation Dates of Biblical Festivals 2014:
For 2014, the Aviv barley searches in the Fertile Crescent region will begin prior to the New Moon expected on March 1st. It is expected that Aviv barley will not be found and that a 13th month will be proclaimed. This would place the first day of the Aviv New Moon in late March (which is expected on the evening of March 31st starting in Israel). Therefore, the expected Annual Festival Dates will be as follows (all days begin at sundown the evening before date posted):
It would then be assumed that the Seventh New Moon of 2014 will first be seen in Australia on Thursday evening, September 25th, marking the arrival of the Fall Festivals on the following dates for all locations worldwide excluding Israel which is expected to have a one-day delay for those following a restricted observation (all days begin at sundown the evening before date posted):
Stay tuned for Aviv reports in 2014 for any confirmations/reports.
If you would like to provide future reports, I welcome anyone to serve as witnesses to the sighting of the new moon crescent by submitting your sighting via e-mail. Together, as Yah's people, we can all be of one accord with the blowing of a trumpet to communicate to all of His people when the new moon has occurred (Numbers 10:10). We also attempt to post our own sightings and in a timely manner.
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