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Crescent Moon Sighting Report:Sixth Biblical Month / August - September 2013
As of August 4, 2013 10:00pm CT

Global Observation: Israel Observation:
Possible: Wednesday evening, 7th August, 2013
Probable: Thursday evening, 8th August, 2013
7th August

Submit your sighting via e-mail

8th August @ 7:37pm IST
Karaite Korner

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" the beginning of your months, you shall blow the trumpets" - Numbers 10:10

The sixth new moon crescent of the Aviv year has been first reported/confirmed from Chile on Wednesday evening, August 7th at 6:59pm (US Mountain Time, 8:59pm US Eastern Time). Sighting of the moon specifically from Israel was first reported at 7:37 local Israel time on Thursday evening, August 8th.

Confirmed: Chili

Map from the Astronomical Data Portal (UK Hydrographic Office) @


Map from the Astronomical Data Portal (UK Hydrographic Office) @

...The Next Expected Crescent Moon Sighting (7th Month):

The following new moon crescent will mark the Day of Trumpets and the count to the Fall Festivals. The first reports will be possible around Australia followed by portions of South Africa on Friday evening, September 6th. The moon will most likely be sighted within Israel on Saturday evening, September 7th.

Map from the Astronomical Data Portal (UK Hydrographic Office) @

Map from the Astronomical Data Portal (UK Hydrographic Office) @

Expected Observation Dates of Biblical Festivals 2013:
All dates may vary based upon actual visual confirmation/trumpet call of the new crescent moon & availability of Aviv barley within the region of the Promised Land

For 2013, Aviv barley was found in early March (within Israel or the Fertile Crescent) with the first confirmed new moon crescent sighted in the region of Nigeria & Morocco on Tuesday evening, March 12th. Therefore, no intercalary 13th month was observed. This means the Annual Festival Dates will be expected as follows (all days begin at sundown the evening before dates listed):

^ - Regions east of Nigeria (including Israel) will observe the following date (based on global trumpet call)
# Based on barley within Promised Land (Israel) region
* High Day of Convocation (no regular work)

It would then follow in the Seventh New Moon of 2013, expected on Friday evening, September 6th, in nearly all locations worldwide (starting in New Zealand and Australia), that the Fall Festivals will be as follows (all days begin at sundown the evening before dates listed):

* High Day of Convocation (no regular work)
** High Sabbath Convocation (Sabbath Day of rest)

If you would like to provide future reports, I welcome anyone to serve as witnesses to the sighting of the new moon crescent by submitting your sighting via e-mail. Together, as Yah's people, we can all be of one accord with the blowing of a trumpet to communicate to all of His people when the new moon has occurred (Numbers 10:10). We also attempt to post our own sightings and in a timely manner.


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For more information regarding the Biblical Calendar: Research Paper - Mathematical Bias of the Biblical Calendar (Revised) - by Shawn Richardson

Archived Reports:
5th New Moon of 2013-2014
4th New Moon of 2013-2014
3rd New Moon of 2013-2014
2nd New Moon of 2013-2014
1st New Moon of 2013-2014

12th New Moon of 2012-2013
11th New Moon of 2012-2013
10th New Moon of 2012-2013
9th New Moon of 2012-2013
8th New Moon of 2012-2013
7th New Moon of 2012-2013
6th New Moon of 2012-2013
5th New Moon of 2012-2013
4th New Moon of 2012-2013
3rd New Moon of 2012-2013
2nd New Moon of 2012-2013
1st New Moon of 2012-2013
9th New Moon of 2011-2012
8th New Moon of 2011-2012
7th New Moon of 2011-2012
6th New Moon of 2011-2012
5th New Moon of 2011-2012
Current New Moon Report