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Crescent Moon Sighting Report:Second Biblical Month / April-May 2012
As of April 22, 2012 9:00pm CT

See the current Biblical Month Wall Calendar.
Global Observation:Israel Observation:
Expected: Sunday evening, 22nd April, 2012Expected: Sunday evening, 22nd April, 2012
Reported: West Indies & U.S. Sites
Reported: Trinidad, Tabago, United States

Submit your sighting via e-mail
Reported: Karaite Korner

The second new moon of the harvest year has been seen and trumpeted in Israel and many locations westward, including the West Indies and throughout the United States on Sunday evening, April 22nd. As of the last update, there were no reports found from areas east of Israel on this date. This sighting does not effect the count to Pentecost (Shavuot), which begins at the waving of the Omer (Wavesheaf Day). See box above for current day's count.

If you would like to submit your own reported sighting, please click on the link above.

Map from the Astronomical Data Portal (UK Hydrographic Office) @

Next Crescent Moon (2nd Month):

The following new moon is expected to be first visible on Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012 throughout the globe (with some outlying areas of the Pacific possibly viewing the evening before - May 21st).

See Previous Day

Map from the Astronomical Data Portal (UK Hydrographic Office) @

Biblical Festival Dates 2012:

This year, the Aviv barley harvest reports from the Fertile Crescent region around Israel have been reported in the 12th month making the next new moon, reported on the evening of March 23, 2012 (starting in Israel westward), the start of the new year. There was no need for an additional 13th month. This placed the Festival Dates as follows (all dates listed began at sundown the evening before; may vary based upon visual confirmation/trumpet call of the crescent moon):

^ - Most regions east of Israel will observe the following date (based on global trumpet call)
* Holy Convocation Day (No Regular Work)
** High-Day Holy Convocation (Sabbath Day of Rest)
# Based on barley within Promised Land (Israel) region

The Seventh New Moon of 2012 will have a slight possibility of being seen in the southern portion of South America (Chile) on the evening of September 16, 2012. The United States and most of the Americas, along with all points westward, would then keep this date based on a Global Trumpet call should they be made from Chile. If the moon is not seen, then all regions - including Israel - should observe a new moon the following evening (all dates listed begin at sundown the evening before; may vary based upon visual confirmation/trumpet call of the month/Abib harvest):

* Holy Convocation Day (No Regular Work)
** High-Day Holy Convocation (Sabbath Day of Rest)

If you would like to provide future reports, I welcome anyone to serve as witnesses to the sighting of the new moon crescent by submitting your sighting via e-mail. Together, as Yah's people, we can all be of one accord with the blowing of a trumpet to communicate to all of His people when the new moon has occurred (Numbers 10:10). We also attempt to post our own sightings and in a timely manner.

lunar phase

For more information regarding the Biblical Calendar: Research Paper - Mathematical Bias of the Biblical Calendar (Revised) - by Shawn Richardson

Archived Reports:
2nd New Moon of 2012-2013
1st New Moon of 2012-2013
9th New Moon of 2011-2012
8th New Moon of 2011-2012
7th New Moon of 2011-2012
6th New Moon of 2011-2012
5th New Moon of 2011-2012
Current New Moon Report
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