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Crescent Moon Sighting Report:Sixth Biblical Month / August-September 2011
As of August 30, 2011 4:35pm ET

Global Observation:Israel Observation:
Monday evening, 29th August, 2011
Tuesday evening, 30th August, 2011
Reported: Chile

Tuesday evening, 30th August:
Reported: Australia
Reported: Brunei
Reported: Fiji Islands
Submit your sighting via e-mail
Reported Unseen: Karaite Korner

Wednesday evening, 31st August:

Reported: Karaite Korner
Reported: Michael Rood

The new moon to begin the sixth month has been limited. The crescent was first expected to be reported in South America on Monday evening, August 29th. But, due to the limited geography this month, only one source has been found to report an actual sighting from Monday evening in Chile (by three individuals). Based on the principle of a global trumpet call, most of the United States and points westward should have begun the new month starting at sundown following the reported sighting (preferably from more than one witness). If you wish to submit a report, please click on the link above.

Map from the Astronomical Data Portal (UK Hydrographic Office) @

Israel is reporting that the new moon was unseen due to limited lagtime (amount of time between sundown and moonset causing too much light to see illumination) despite a calculated 3.71% visibility and reported sightings in the east. For those that keep calendars based solely on sighted reports from Jerusalem the new month will begin on Wednesday, August 31st (Prior month spotted 30 days earlier on August 1st). For those not limited to Jerusalem, clear views were reported Tuesday evening, August 30th, from Fiji, Australia and points westward.

Map from the Astronomical Data Portal (UK Hydrographic Office) @

Next Crescent Moon (7th Month):

The following month's crescent will mark the anticipated Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) at the sigting of the new moon. This year does vary based on sighting location.

For Global Observation, the first expected sightings are in Australia and the majority of South Africa starting on Wednesday evening, September 28th. Sightings should also be clear for the southern portion of the United States.

For Israel-based Observation, the crescent is not expected to be seen until Thursday evening, September 29th, but sighting the previous evening is a very slim possibility.

Map from the Astronomical Data Portal (UK Hydrographic Office) @

Map from the Astronomical Data Portal (UK Hydrographic Office) @

See alternative map

Biblical Festival Dates 2011:

This year, the barley harvest reported from Israel in March was not yet ripened (Abib) in time for the new moon crescent in early March. Therefore, a 13th month was added to the year. Yah's Spring Holy Days this year are now confirmed as being on the following dates in both the US and Israel (all holy days begin at sundown the evening before):

The Fall Holy Days are expected on the following dates (visual confirmation will be required in your region at the start of the Feast of Trumpets if crescent is not yet confirmed - otherwise, all dates will be the following day; all holy days begin at sundown the evening before):

If you would like to provide future reports, I welcome anyone to serve as witnesses to the sighting of the new moon crescent by submitting your sighting via e-mail. Together, as Yah's people, we can all be of one accord with the blowing of a trumpet to communicate to all of His people when the new moon has occurred (Numbers 10:10). We also attempt to post our own sightings and in a timely manner.

lunar phase

For more information regarding the Biblical Calendar: Research Paper - Mathematical Bias of the Biblical Calendar (Revised) - by Shawn Richardson

Archived Reports:
5th New Moon of 2011-2012
Current New Moon Report
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