<<-1st Biblical Calendar Month 6014->>March/April 2014 - (Nisan 5774)
** The New Testament Memorial Eucharist is held on the evening of the 13th/14th instituted by Yeshua, the Messiah. The Pesach/Passover meal marks the commemoration of the New Covenant Eucharist (communion) instituted by Yeshua, the Messiah in the Messianic Gospels (New Testament) at the time often referred to as "The Last Supper". This involved partaking in a foot washing (symbolizing humble servitude), breaking and eating of unleavened bread and drinking of wine (symbolizing Yeshua's broken body as a sacrifice and of His blood that paid for mankind's sins). This event occurs at the start of the 14th day (after sundown). This event differs from the Passover meal (commonly called the "Seder Meal" or "Night to Be Much Observed" commemorating the Israeli exodus from Egypt), which takes place at the close of the 14th day leading into the First Day of Unleavened Bread (the 15th). |
CURRENT MOON Global ObservationThis calendar is based on global observation of the lunar cycle. A Biblical Month is considered to begin at sundown (where you are currently located) following the first sighting (confirmed by a second witness) of the new moon crescent. Once confirmed, we are instructed in scripture to blow a trumpet at the new moon, allowing the entire world to know that the new moon has arrived.Some prefer to conduct sightings strictly from the land of Israel (click here for a similar calendar based on Israel sightings). We feel that this approach ignores eyewitness testimony (trumpets) from any other region (this is not instructed within scripture). Just as we do not delay the start of our day until sundown geographically within Israel, there is no scriptural support to delay the start of our month until the crescent is seen geographically within Israel, either. Traditionally (since the fourth century A.D.), the calendar has been calculated (instead of being observed). This was primarily due to the fact that Israel was forced out from the land and believed calculation was the only alternative. However, this was originally only because the Aviv barley would no longer be readily available (which was geographically required according to scripture) in order to know when the year began. This calculation consisted of an average 19-year Intercalation cycle of alternating 12 & 13 month calendar years. It is much later that this "calculation" would eventually include the computation of moon cycles (based on what is known as the Molad) and additional rules of postponement (called Dechiyot) that would, after hundreds of years, develop into the modern-day Hebrew Calendar. These calculations (including the Molad and Dechiyot) are simply not found within scripture. Today, now that Israel is no longer completely in exile, there is no reason why we should not restore the method of observation and stop relying on man-made calculations. And for those of us still living outside of the land, we should not neglect the instruction given to us to blow a trumpet at the new moon - a global trumpet call! As witnesses, we can let the world know of the Biblical calendar and Yehovah's appointed times. This calendar is adjusted based on actual witness confirmation of the new moon crescent. If you would like to report a sighting in your area, please submit your reported sighting via email. For more information, please view the latest New Moon Report or read Mathematical Bias of the Biblical Calendar. |